Dasha - Understanding the seasons of your life

In Vedic astrology, Dasha refers to planetary periods or cycles that influence an individual's life. Dasha systems play a crucial role in timing events and understanding the different phases of life. The most commonly used dasha system is the Vimshottari Dasha, which is based on the Moon's position at the time of our birth. The Vimshottari Dasha spans a cycle of 120 years and starts with the ruling planet of the Moon’s nakshatra. The natural order of the Vimshotari dasha is Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Mercury.

Each planetary period brings forward specific themes, influences, and events associated with the intrinsic nature of the ruling planet and its modified nature according to its placement and strength in your birth chart. Vimshotari dasha is one of the two universally applicable dasha systems and affects everybody. If we reflect on life, we can identify good and bad times. There was a time when things came to us quickly; maybe we could buy the house we always wanted, perhaps we met the love of our life or had lots of fun with our friends. But there were times when it was difficult, one obstacle after the other, and nothing seemed to work; it was us against the rest of the world. No one has always had a bad time, and nobody has only good times.

Knowledge of your birth chart can help turn bad times into good ones by understanding the obstacles and challenges that arise and carefully manoeuvring around them. It can help us to prepare for the future, to ride the wave when it comes, and not to miss out on our chances. The Roman philosopher Seneca describes “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity”, reminding us that good fortune is a choice rather than a fatal destiny.

The second universally applicable dasha is so obvious that some choose not to mention it. It is called the Naisargica Dasha. Naisaragica means natural. This timing system refers to the natural periods of life. The Naisargica Dasha unfolds at a similar age for everybody and is connected to the same planetary energies. However, manifestation and experience vary according to the planetary placements in our birth chart.

The first year of life, infancy, is ruled by the Moon. It is the time of breastfeeding and utter dependence on the mother. In modern psychology, great importance is placed on the mother-child relationship during the first year of infancy. According to John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory, the exchange between the infant and his mother determines the child's emotional development for the rest of their life. Secure, safe and consistent exchanges between mother and child result in secure attachment styles, while inconsistent and unreliable communication results in ambivalent or anxious-preoccupied attachment styles. A mother who has been emotionally unavailable or rejecting to her infant will result in the development of an avoidant attachment style. In contrast, a mother who was suffering from trauma herself might transfer that fear to her infant, resulting in the development of a disorganised/disoriented attachment style.

In the celestial realm of the luminaries, the Moon represents the Mother and also the mind. Because of the Moon, the relationship with our mother is essential in developing our emotional resilience. An afflicted Moon at birth will result in a negative experience of our mother, especially during our first year, the Moon’s Naisargica Dasha. The negative experience of our mother in early childhood will then affect our emotional resilience for the rest of our lives until we consciously choose to refine and heal our psyche.

The following year of our life is ruled by Mars, ages two to three. It is characterised by the child learning to walk, fight, and exert his will. If Mars is weak at birth, walking will be delayed, and if it is strong, the child will start waking early. The first manifestations of reason and logic, often an overlooked quality of Mars, will develop towards the second half of this period. Mars is known for his short temper and can have problems with paying attention to all the details. He has scars and broken bones and thus, toddlers are prone to many accidents.

Next comes the period of Mercury from age three to twelve, which is characterised by learning — higher awareness and thinking. Mars is a soldier or police officer. He likes to work within the boundaries of authority and enjoys following orders. Mercury is an independent thinker. He wants to be boss even though he is still young and thus lacks the maturity and a complete picture to manage himself. Mercury is a neuter planet, so children during this time are not focused on sexuality. Boys and girls can play together with no problems.

This changes upon puberty. Venus rules the time from 12 to 32. The period of Venus is the proper time to find their life partner and become committed. An afflicted Venus in the natal chart will give a difficult time during this period. Venus indicates how much we love ourselves, and if we don’t value ourselves, we won’t be able to love another. A severely afflicted Venus will not allow a relationship during this period to last, and one is advised to wait for Jupiter.

The advent of Jupiter Dasha at 32 shifts the focus of our life to look after others and minimise our personal needs. Previously, we studied, gained our education and enjoyed romantic encounters. Now, we learn how to sacrifice. Jupiter is the significator of marriage and dharma. Family life is not meant for personal aggrandisement but for following virtue, taking care of one’s partner, creating a healthy environment for the children and assisting all living beings in their personal development. Jupiter is expansive, and his placement in the natal chart reveals our blessings in life. During this period, one advances in financial prosperity, and one is meant to utilise Jupiter's favour by increasing the dharma of the world by re-investing his gains in charities, schools and other noble causes to maintain one’s family and society as a whole.

The Sun rules from 50 to 75 and constitutes what was once called the golden years. Ideally, one’s children should be grown up by now. One has acquired financial security, lived a healthy life and still has the energy to appreciate the world. The Sun signifies our Soul; thus, this period is conducive to reaping the fruits of a lifetime of self-realisation. It is time to give up the reigns of worldly life and fully devote to learning spiritual teachings, travelling to mystical places, performing yoga and meditation and actualising the Self. If the Sun is weak in the natal chart or other non-spiritual combinations exist, the individual will choose to watch sports, venture to pubs and travel to tourist destinations to compensate for the lost years of hard work during family life. In later years and with the gentle march up of old age, this will make them feel like they have lost their sense of self. “For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world but yet forfeit their soul?”

Ptolemy said: “Saturn, moving in the last sphere, regulates the final old age. He is cold and obstructs the mental movements, the appetites and enjoyments, rendering one stupid and dull, in conformity with the dullness of his own motion.” At the age of 75, Saturn Dasha starts, everything slows down, the body deteriorates, organs stop working, we slowly dwindle and die. A natural detachment develops during this time. The pleasures of the world are of no avail. Saturn destroys the manifestation to make space for something new. The Bhagavad Gita teaches: “One who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after death, one is sure to take birth again. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge of your duty, you should not lament.”

The Naisargica Dasha system is very elementary but universally applicable. It is the scaffolding in which all other Dasha systems operate. A learned astrologer will utilise multiple timing systems to predict life events accurately. One cannot predict a relationship based on the Naisargica Dasha of Venus. However, if there is a lineup between the Naisargica and Vimshottari and Gocara, an astrologer can confidently predict a relationship's start, length and fertility. Learning from an astrologer about which time period we are in and what to expect in the future can greatly enhance our capacities to make fruitful and long-term decisions.


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